3 kinds of AI

 There are 3 kinds of AI. Weak AI, strong AI, and Artificial superintelligence.

Weak AI is only able to do tasks that are given to it, and can’t deal with unexpected problems. It is said that almost all AI that exist today are weak AI. This kind consists of Roomba, Siri, Alexa, and 

Strong AI is AI that thinks for itself. The last kind of AI; artificial superintelligence, is said to be able to do anything and greatly exceeds human intelligence. It is said to be created shortly after the creation of strong AI. As of now, AI is created by humans, but when strong AI is made, they will then start to research AI, and then boom, artificial superintelligence. Since AI can process and calculate more than humans, this will happen in a flash. Once this is done, AI will probably wipe out the human race for various reasons. There is no reason to let a downgraded version of themselves still exist. This has been speculated by many scientists. But there’s also another side to this theory.

It is said that the creation of strong AI is impossible in the first place. The conditions for Strong AI to be considered strong AI, are that they have emotions, like humans, and can do any tasks that are possible for humans. They don’t need food or rest, they don’t forget, and they can make logical decisions from the vast amount of data they have. This makes AI far more advanced that humans, thus changing AI from a mere invention, to the creation of a new life form, which is none other than the work of god. This is why many scientists say this is impossible.

Artificial Intelligence. (1998). Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/technology/artificial-intelligence

Marr, B. (2021, May). What Is The Difference Between Weak (Narrow) And Strong (General) Artificial Intelligence (AI)? LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-difference-between-weak-narrow-strong-general-artificial-marr


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