NGO/NPO Presentation

My NGO takes place in a future where AI robots (or Androids) exist normally like us humans do and can think, feel, and communicate to the extent that we can't tell them apart.

The NGO I made for my presentation goes by the name of D.E.M, and it stands for Define and Equalize Machines. I took the abbreviations "D.E.M" from Deus ex machina, which is a Latin calque from Greek and means 'God from the machine'. Although a bit different from the original definition, the word is often used to represent a God of machines or technology. 
The main goal of this NGO is to bestow human rights to AI robots. I believe that AI should get its rights gradually like humans did but in a different way. That would be considering its individual functions as its uses develop. That way, we account for both the diversity of AI and its specific capabilities; we can avoid giving rights that are unsuited for some AI, like a right to family life for Siri or Alexa. Though, I believe rights like copyright may be suited for protecting AI and its creations.

Would AI have a right to life the same way living things do?
If the AI has a clear purpose, it can be assumed the program in it makes the AI efficient at performing the said task. If so, maybe AI has a right to life to fulfil its purpose? The existence of this right definitely benefits society, so it makes sense to protect the AI’s existence for this reason. However, contribution to society can't be the only factor in what makes its existence worthy, and it is too human-centric to be applied across the board. The question should not be whether AI is profitable or similar enough to humans to deserve having its rights enforced, but rather analyze what AI does and see whether rights are reasonable and useful in means of protect that.

I would have loved to go over the feedback, but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere.

Thanks for tuning in.


  1. It was clever to take the name of your NGO, "D.E.M," from Deus ex machina. I also like the fact that you made an NGO for an imagined future. None of my students in this class had ever done that and it's an interesting approach.


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